

Dimitri Vanhauwaert Doctoral Promoters: Prof. Dr. Tom Boterberg Department of Radiation Oncology, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent University - Prof. Dr. Steven De Vleeschouwer Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospitals Leuven, KU Leuven Department of Neurosciences and Leuven Brain Institute (LBI), KU Leuven - Dr. Harlinde De Schutter, PhD (until june 2022) Belgian Cancer Registry - Mrs. Cindy De Gendt, PhD (from June 2022) Belgian Cancer Registry

Anterolateral versus posterior minimally invasive lumbar interbody fusion surgery for spondylolisthesis: comparison of outcomes from a global, multicenter study at 12-months follow-up

Pereira P, Park Y, Arzoglou V, Charles YP, Krutko A, Senker W, Park SW, Franke J, Fuentes S, Bordon G, Song Y, He S, Vialle E, Mlyavykh S, Varanda P, Hosszu T, Bhagat S, Hong JY, Vanhauwaert D, de la Dehesa P.

Pereira P, Park Y, Arzoglou V, Charles YP, Krutko A, Senker W, Park SW, Franke J, Fuentes S, Bordon G, Song Y, He S, Vialle E, Mlyavykh S, Varanda P, Hosszu T, Bhagat S, Hong JY, Vanhauwaert D, de la Dehesa P. Anterolateral versus posterior minimally invasive lumbar interbody fusion surgery for spondylolisthesis: comparison of outcomes from a global, multicenter study at 12-months follow-up..Spine J. 2023 May 25:S1529-9430(23) 00215-2. doi: 10.1016/j.spinee.2023.05.013. Online ahead of print.PMID: 37236367 

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Deep brain stimulation in Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome: still effective after 22 years. Brain and Spine 2023

Cortier J, Vandamme S, Vanhauwaert D, Maenhoudt W, Van Lerbeirghe J, Tack P, Du Four S, Van Damme O

Cortier J, Vandamme S, Vanhauwaert D, Maenhoudt W, Van Lerbeirghe J, Tack P, Du Four S, Van Damme O. Deep brain stimulation in Bassen-Kornzweig syndrome: still effective after 22 years. Brain and Spine 2023; 3, doi.org/10.1016/j.bas.2023.101762

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"Nonprogrammable Shunts for Communicating Hydrocephalus and Three-Dimensional Volumetry: A Retrospective Analysis"

Jeroen Cortier, Robin Van Der Straeten, Frederick Van Gestel, Johnny Duerinck, Vera Van Velthoven, Michael Bruneau, Stephanie Du Four

Cortier J, Van Der Straeten R, Van Gestel F, Duerinck J, Van Velthoven V, Bruneau M, Du Four S, Non-programmable shunts for communicating hydrocephalus and 3D volumetry: a retrospective analysis, World Neurosurgery (2023), doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.wneu.2023.06.110.

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Psychisch trauma en diepe hersenstimulatie bij de ziekte van parkinson

Tijdschr Neurol Neurochir 2021;122(2):70-6
J. Stove, S. Vandamme, A. Ciçek, dr. P. Bourgeois, dr. D. Vanhauwaert, dr. A. Tieleman, dr. O. Van Damme

Diepe hersenstimulatie (‘deep brain stimulation’, DBS) is een bewezen effectieve behandelmethode voor de motorische symptomen van de ziekte van Parkinson. De subthalamische nucleus (STN) wordt hierbij meestal gekozen als doelwit voor de neurostimulatie. Naast de motorische circuits omvat deze kern ook associatieve en limbische circuits, die bij costimulatie veranderingen op gedragsmatig en emotioneel vlak teweeg kunnen brengen.

J. Stove, S. Vandamme, A. Ciçek, dr. P. Bourgeois, dr. D. Vanhauwaert, dr. A. Tieleman, dr. O. Van Damme

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A choroid plexus carcinoma in the lateral ventricle of an adult.

Eurad, Section Neuroradiology
Bert Degrieck, Ann Tieleman, Olivier Van Damme, Ilse Crevits

A choroid plexus carcinoma in the lateral ventricle of an adult.

Bert Degrieck, Ann Tieleman, Olivier Van Damme, Ilse Crevits

Eurad, Section Neuroradiology

Posterior Lumbar Revision Surgery using Rhbmp-2 As a Salvage solution in the Management of Pseudoarthrosis. Three case study and Review of the Literature.

Annals of Case Reports, 17 May 2021
Jeroen Cortier, Abdulhamid Cicek, Sarah Hendrickx, Jeroen Van Lerbeirghe, Olivier Van Damme, Dimitri Vanhauwaert.

Posterior Lumbar Revision Surgery using Rhbmp-2 As a Salvage solution in the Management of Pseudoarthrosis. Three case study and Review of the Literature.

Jeroen Cortier, Abdulhamid Cicek, Sarah Hendrickx, Jeroen Van Lerbeirghe, Olivier Van Damme, Dimitri Vanhauwaert.

Annals of Case Reports, 17 May 2021

The supplementary motor area syndrome: a neurosurgical review.

Neurosurgical Review May 2021
Harry Pinson, Jeroen Van Lerbeirghe, Dimitri Vanhauwaert, Olivier Van Damme, Giorgio Hallaert, Jean-Pierre Kalala.

The supplementary motor area syndrome: a neurosurgical review.

Harry Pinson, Jeroen Van Lerbeirghe, Dimitri Vanhauwaert, Olivier Van Damme, Giorgio Hallaert, Jean-Pierre Kalala.

Neurosurgical Review May 2021

Succesfull treatment of secondary dystonia with deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus internus.

Mov Disorder 2019, 34 (suppl 2).
Sarah Hendrickx, Philip Bourgeois, Ann Tielman, Dimitri Vanhauwaert, Tim Couvreur, Olivier Van Damme.

Succesfull treatment of secondary dystonia with deep brain stimulation of the globus pallidus internus.

Sarah Hendrickx, Philip Bourgeois, Ann Tielman, Dimitri Vanhauwaert, Tim Couvreur, Olivier Van Damme.

Mov Disorder 2019, 34 (suppl 2).

Cross cultural validation of the Core Outcome Measures Index for lower back pain in Dutch

European spine journal
Dr. Van Lerbeirghe.

Cross cultural validation of the Core Outcome Measures Index for lower back pain in Dutch – European spine journal, jan 2018, Dr. Van Lerbeirghe.

Preoperative European Radiology

Ann Tieleman MD, Karel Deblaere MD PhD, Dirk Van Roost MD PhD, Olivier Van Damme MD, Eric Achten MD PhD

Preoperative European Radiology

Ann Tieleman MD, Karel Deblaere MD PhD, Dirk Van Roost MD PhD, Olivier Van Damme MD, Eric Achten MD PhD


Are spontaneous epidural haematoma in sickle cell disease a rare complication? A report of two new cases.

Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2004 Apr;146(4):407-10; discussion 410
Kalala O., Van Damme O., Calliauw L.

Are spontaneous epidural haematoma in sickle cell disease a rare complication? A report of two new cases.

Kalala O., Van Damme O., Calliauw L.. Acta Neurochir (Wien) 2004 Apr;146(4):407-10; discussion 410

Deep Brain Stimulation for essential tremor in patients with ventriculomegaly

Robin Bouttelgier, Stijn Vandamme, Frédéric Ververken, Wim Maenhoudt, Stephanie Du Four, Jeroen Van Lerbeirghe, Dimitri Vanhauwaert, Olivier Van Damme

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Onze artsen
Dr. Olivier Van Damme (diensthoofd)
Dr. Dimitri Vanhauwaert, Ph.D.
Dr. Jeroen Van Lerbeirghe
Dr. Stephanie Du Four, Ph.D.
Dr. Wim Maenhoudt
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